Svenska: Glad 1:a Advent! Den senaste veckan har jag provat en ny produkt som heter Ginger Diamonds! Jag menar, vem vill inte prova något som har ordet diamant i namnet.


Det är små knapriga bitar av ingefära som är ”lagom” starka, innehållande bara ingefära och socker, inga andra tillsattser. Perfekta att använda som ett uppfräschande snack på on-the-go, men idag använde jag dem som strössel till mina nykokta chokladkolor, och oj vad smaskiga de blev!

chokladkola med ingefära

Det var många som efterfrågade receptet på kolorna så här kommer det! Jag känner mig redan redo för att experimentera fram något nytt med dessa diamanter, de verkar vara väldigt passade till många saker.

Har du någon idé på vad man skulle kunna använda dem till? Kommentera nedan!
Notering: Eftersom receptet innehåller en del socker, skulle jag rekommendera att du bara äter detta vid utvalda tillfällen.

English: Happy 1st Advent! I’ve been trying a new product called Ginger Diamonds TM this week! I mean, how wouldn’t want to try something that has the word diamond in the name.


They are little crunchy pieces of ginger that are not too strong but at the same time gives you a little kick. Perfect to use as a refreshing snack on the go, but today I used them as sprinkles for my freshly made chocolate caramels, and yes they turned out great!

chokladkola med ingefära

Many have asked me for the recipe for these tasty chocolate bits, so here it comes! I’m already ready to experiment (again) with these Ginger Diamonds to come up with something new, they seem to be very versatile.

Do you have any idea of what you could use the Ginger Diamonds for? Comment below!

Chocolate fudge with Ginger Diamonds

150 ml syrup
150 ml oat- or soy-based cream
150 ml sugar (unrefined sugar also works, or coconut sugar)
1.5 tablespoons virgin coconut oil
50 grams dark chocolate (check the ingredients so that it is vegan)
1/2 pack of Ginger Diamonds

  1. Boil the syrup, cream, and sugar until it has thickened to a caramel, you can test this by putting 1/2 teaspoon of the batter in a cup of cold water. When you can make the batter into a little ball it is ready (In Sweden we call this kulprovet/knäckprovet).
  2. When the batter passes the test (you might have to try a couple of times before it is ready, have patience!) then remove from the heat source.
  3. Add the coconut oil, chop the chocolate and stir it in, until the chocolate is melted.
  4. Here you can choose if you want to add the Ginger Diamonds directly into the batter or just put them on top. Or both, you can do as you please.
  5. Scrape the batter from the pan unto a try with a baking sheet and allow to cool before cutting it. In order for it to cool faster, put it in the fridge or in the freezer for a while.

Note: Because this candy contains quite a bit of sugar, only use this as a treat from time to time. 


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